Tuesday, June 2, 2009

questioning stability

to be stable (of an object) is to be firmly fixed (of a person) is to be sane.

now being that i'm neither fixed or sane truly highlights the instability of my existence.

i'm tired and i have tons to do. and all i really want to do is lay next to my lover. but even that isnt stable. he is unstable.

i understand why we work hard. because we are told to. we need to make money to live comfortably. but so many times people spend their lives making money and not living.

so there in lies the problem.

living a stable existence.

is that possible in a universe designed after entropy.

big bang, anyone.

i need to find stability in the big bang.
i need to find stability in my lover.
i need to find stability in living.

i mean entropy is cool, but you get dizzy starring at it for to long.

to be stable (of an object) is to understand you are never fixed in space (of a person) is to be insane.

that feels a little better :)
it's nice to see yourself represented in things like stability :)

exploring stability
