Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Did you know Arizona doesnt do daylight savings?

Tuesday June 26

The longest day of my life!

I started today off in Texas. I woke up at 730a, showered, and then went to breakfast.

We left texas en route to New Mexico. The plan was to visit a reservation/ national park.
When we got to the New Mexico boarder we were pleased to learn that we were entering Mountain Time (thus gaining one full hour.)

We were really excited about that hour :)
New Mexico = Beautiful
The earth was red and the sky was the bluest I've ever seen with the most comfortable looking clouds.

We drove and drove and drove some more.
New Mexico is hot as fuck.

Once we arrived at El Malpais, we observed beautiful New Mexican landscapes.
The sun still beamed down hella hard on lovelady and I.

We got back in the car and drove some more.

The sun was overwhelming so we decided to call it an early day.
New Mexican = Super Expensive

Needless to say we didnt find affordable housing in New Mexico.
So we decided to drive to Arizona.

Once in Arizona, we drove to a the nearest town.
We found a reasonable inn and then realized that the time in our room was an hour off.

Arizona is in Mountain Time.
But, Arizona is one of the only states that doesnt observe daylight savings.
What the fuck?
Thats so random and bizarre.

Anyway, good day.
But so long.

I'm tired.

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